Understanding pelvic pain
Understanding that pelvic pain in women can stem from a variety of conditions, we recognise that pelvic veins may be responsible for up to 30% of these cases. Our skilled team, consisting of a vascular surgeon, interventional radiologist and specialist nurses is dedicated to providing a comprehensive diagnosis and tailored management plan for pain caused by pelvic veins, helping you find the relief you’ve been seeking.
Common Symptoms
Do you identify with any of the following symptoms?
- Vulval or vaginal veins appearing during pregnancy, improving post-birth but worsening with subsequent pregnancies.
- Veins starting in the vulva or vagina and extending to the inner thigh or buttocks.
- A heavy or dragging sensation in the pelvis, exacerbated by standing or sitting.
- Persistent unexplained pelvic pain despite thorough investigation.
- Irritable bladder or bowel.
- Deep pain during or after sexual intercourse.
- Backache.
- Abnormal bleeding or discharge during menstruation.
Depression or low moods because of your symptoms.
Getting Started
Online Consultation
Start by completing our online pelvic veins consultation or have your GP refer you directly to us.
Our nurse will contact you for an indepth discussion about your symptoms, other diagnoses, signs and health history.
Why Choose Us?
Better Outcome
Benefit from our full, dedicated service, not widely available in New Zealand. Our treatment is designed to offer significant relief from pelvic pain caused by varicose veins or pelvic congestion syndrome.
Experienced Team
Our team's expertise in diagnosing and managing symptomatic pelvic veins and pelvic congestion syndrome sets us apart.
Focused Care
If you've been struggling to get a diagnosis or have been told your pain is just ‘period pain’, our specialised focus on atypical pelvic veins may provide the answers you need.
Our 5-Step Process to Relief
Initial Assessment
Complete the online pelvic veins consultation to give us a starting point.
Detailed Discussion
Our nurse will have an indepth conversation with you, followed by a consultation with our specialists or a referral back to your GP.
Diagnostic Scans
An ultrasound, followed by a CT scan if necessary, will be organised at a convenient location for you, along with a consultation to discuss findings and treatment options. The diagnostic scan will be an abdominal scan combined with a transvaginal scan, because this provides the sonographer with the most accurate images of the pelvic region.
Procedures are carried out at the state-of-the-art Wakefield Hospital, ensuring a stress-free experience. Discharge typically occurs four hours post-treatment.
Follow Up
Expect a next-day follow up and another check up in four to six weeks, usually conducted over the phone or at our clinic.
Flying Post Treatment?
It is advisable to avoid flying on the day of treatment to ensure optimal recovery and minimise risks. Aftercare instructions will be included in your take-home care information pack.