Leaking veins usually refer to a condition known as venous insufficiency. When the valves inside the veins are not working properly, blood can leak backward and pool in the veins. This can lead to symptoms such as swelling, varicose veins, pain and ulcers.
There are many treatments for leaking veins, including:
Wearing compression stockings. We usually say to the knee are fine. Medical-grade compression stockings can help improve circulation in the legs and reduce swelling. This is because they help to keep the blood flowing rather than it pooling.

For most conditions keeping to a healthy weight and exercising often is important in self-managing these conditions. It’s no different for leaking veins, as this condition also benefits from having a healthy lifestyle. Raising your legs at the end of the day can help improve circulation and reduce symptoms. Propping your legs will help after a day spent standing. And when your legs are swollen and puffy at the end of the day.
When leaking veins – varicose veins – run in your family
If varicose veins run in your family, most likely you will have them, too.
Varicose veins are most commonly visible on the legs and behind the knees. They look ropey and twisty and protrude above the surface.

We treat varicose veins using a medical adhesive to shut off the leaking veins that are no longer working. It is a minimally invasive procedure under local anaesthetic, where you walk in and walk out.
Smaller veins treated with sclerotherapy
Sclerotherapy will mostly be used for treating smaller veins. Just after varicose vein treatment or when a patient returns for a follow-up appointment after varicose vein treatment. A solution injected into the smaller affected veins closes them off and redirects blood flow to healthier veins.
See a vascular specialist for leaking veins, even if you’ve been putting up with them for years. As well, your GP can provide advice on your treatment options.