Book Your Varicose Vein Consultation

Your treatment journey begins with a consultation at the clinic of your choice, where we’ll create a personalised plan designed specifically for you.

Kāpiti Day Hospital Paraparaumu

Our new clinic for Kapiti is in the new Kāpiti Day Hospital. You might remember it from its former life as the Community Covid clinic.

Finding the new hospital might be a bit tricky. Follow SH1 to Kapiti Rd in Paraparaumu. Take the exit towards Paraparaumu/Airport/Paraparaumu Beach from SH1. Turn right onto Te Roto Rd and we are on the left at 45B. We offer consultations and varicose vein procedures plus our sonographers offer clinics here, too.

Services available: vein or arterial consultations, ultrasound scans, varicose vein procedures.

Schedule your consultation & start your treatment journey today.