Running? Team sport? Find out how to manage varicose veins

Varicose veins can affect your running and team sports. Though the extent varies depending on the severity of them and the type of sport you play.

Varicose veins occur when the valves in the veins, usually in the legs, become weakened or damaged, causing blood to pool and the veins to enlarge.

Are any of these symptoms affecting your enjoyment or taking part?

Some people with varicose veins have aching, heaviness or cramping in their legs, which can be worse when running and playing sport. Your legs may feel more tired. Running may increase blood flow to the legs, and in severe cases of varicose veins, this may cause swelling, which could make running in general uncomfortable. High-impact sports may increase swelling in the legs, too making them feel heavy or tired more quickly. You may find you have less endurance than you used to have and less agility. This can be distracting or limit performance in sports that need a lot of stamina, like squash or basketball.

Varicose veins can make it harder for the body to pump blood efficiently back to the heart, which may mean you fatigue more quickly during sport. Especially when playing sports with long bursts of activity like rugby or hockey.

Hockey Player Running With Hockey Ball,Other ,Players,Distant.
Sports with lots of running make it hard with varicose veins.

Some people might feel weakness or instability in their legs. This may increase the risk of falling or injury in sports that require quick direction changes, jumps or sprints.

In some cases, varicose veins can lead to more serious complications like blood clots (thrombophlebitis), which can make running and playing sport more painful or unsafe.

Prolonged venous insufficiency can lead to skin discoloration or ulcers around the veins, which could become irritated by your sports shoes or clothing. Especially if you’re running long distances or playing sport for long periods and sweating a lot.

Varicose veins in the legs may also be unsightly. You may be self-conscious when playing sports.

Tips for playing sport if you have varicose veins:

  • Wearing compression stockings can help improve blood flow and reduce swelling and discomfort while running.
  • Make sure you have supportive shoes with good arch support to help reduce leg strain.
  • Stretching, warm ups and warm downs can help improve blood flow and reduce strain on the veins. This is good advice for all athletes.
  • Staying well hydrated and elevating your legs after a run or sport can help reduce swelling.
  • You may need to consider reducing or changing your sport – running shorter distances, spending time on the sidelines. Lower-impact activities like cycling or swimming can help reduce the stress on your legs. Remember to rest up after activity.


Stretching, warm ups and warm downs can help improve blood flow.

If your varicose veins are causing a lot of discomfort, it’s a good idea to consult with your GP or vascular specialist. They will recommend treatment options for you.